Final Days in Our Home

We are officially in the final days living in our home. This week my days consist entirely of packing up all of our belongings into bins, boxes, and bags, and ferrying them to either my parent's home or a storage unit. It's a daunting task to say the least.

I find that it's often when you're saying goodbye to something that you really open your eyes to what you had. We have our reasons for why we are leaving this house, but it has been such a good home to us over the past 3.5 years. I remember the excitement we had on move-in day, the dreams we had for this home in the future, and how it allowed us to grow our family with ease. Yes, I will miss this home.

However, as I look into our unclear future, I cannot help but feel excitement for what is to come. Our options are endless! Where will God land us for the next season of our lives?

Though there is bitterness that comes with letting go of something you love, there is such sweetness that comes with taking a leap of faith with God. When He says "let go", we want to always follow through. So here we are, letting go.

We don't know what our next steps are (more on this later this week), but we do know this: whenever God says "no" to one thing, He will say "yes" to another. I cannot wait to discover what that "yes" will be. ❤️

Cheering you on always!

Katie xx

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