Beckley's Morning Routine at 3 Months Old

Mornings recently have been SO FUN with Beckley! She is easily her happiest first thing in the morning, and I love it. 😍 Down below I've added some photos from the other morning. She was so smiley, I couldn't stop taking pictures haha.

Usually Beckley wakes up around 5am. She goes to bed around 10pm, so at this point she's gotten a full 7 hours of sleep. Either Jackson or I will go into her nursery and give her a pacifier to help soothe her back to sleep, and then she usually sleeps for another 2-3 hours. Once she wakes up the second time then her morning actually begins.

When Beckley wakes up the first things I do are turn off her sound machine, open the shades for her nursery window letting sunlight in, and go over to her crib and tell her "good morning!" She always greets me with a HUGE smile and it totally makes my whole morning!

I'll then change her diaper, put her in a fresh pair of pajamas, and give her an 8oz bottle. Little girl loves to eat, and is putting away anywhere from 40-45oz of formula a day right now. Needless to say, formula is getting extra expensive these days. 😂

Once she's eaten and burped she goes down on her play mat to stretch, roll, play, and do some tummy time. She can easily play on this mat by herself for 45 minutes. I'm always sitting near her, but I let her play on her own so she learns to discover things and do things independently. Last week she mastered rolling from back to stomach, so now she's rolling all over the place! Recently I've also been reading her some books and giving her small toys to practice grabbing.

Once she's played for a good while and is starting to get tired, she will go down for her first nap of the day. Up until recently she's napped in her swing (that thing is a miracle worker!), but the past few days I've been working on her taking her naps in her crib. Her first nap is usually around 3 hours long. Once she goes down for her first nap, her morning routine is complete!

I know every baby is different and what works for us isn't guaranteed to work for everyone, but hopefully if you're expecting a baby this was helpful. For me, one of the biggest struggles was simply not knowing what to expect once I became a mother. Hopefully this gives you a small glimpse into what a part of motherhood can look like. ☺️